Barong & Gown in Taal

As Taal town has survived many historical turn of events, so has the Barong Tagalog survived imposing fashions and evolving trends! Although its style has evolved several times throughout the centuries, the beautifully embroidered traditional male attire remains uniquely Filipino. The Barong Tagalog evolved from the baro, the Filipino male shirt worn prior to the coming of the Spaniards. Barong Tagalog remains to be a lifeline to Taal and has become internationally embraced. As the Barong Tagalog Capital of the Philippines, Taal is most famous for these classic, sheer, lightweight tops worn by gentlemen. Most of the barongs sold in the shopping meccas of the country such as, Central Market, Divisoria, and other stores in Manila, are made in Taal.

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